Our Board of Directors is comprised of volunteer elected representatives who establish policies for the sound operation of your credit union. The Board represents the interests, concerns and goals of our members, promotes the mission and helps steer the direction of First Financial Credit Union.
Nominations for Directors and Annual Meeting Notice
As directed by the bylaws of First Financial Credit Union, a Nominating Committee has been appointed to carry out the election of the Board of Directors. The Committee has the following proposed candidates for three Board positions open for election in February 2025. The background and experience of the candidates nominated by the Nominating Committee is provided below.
If a qualified member is not selected by the nominating committee, but wishes to run for an elected office, they may have their name placed on the ballot by submitting a petition which will consist of at least 1% of the membership as established on January 1 of each election year. Petition must be submitted to the appointed tellers for verification and the placing of the member’s name on the ballot. Such petition shall be received by the tellers no later than 45 days prior to the annual meeting (deadline April 22, 2025).
In the event there are more nominees than vacancies to be filled, all candidates and their qualifications will be presented on an official ballot which will be by mail or any other electronic means as determined by the Board of Directors. If there is only one nominee for each vacancy, the nominees will be approved by acclamation.
Nominations for Directors by the Nominating Committee:
Richard Goshorn, FFCU Board member since 2022. I currently serve the FFCU Board as its Secretary Treasurer. I work for UNM as the Director of Business Operations/CFO/CIO/COO for Valencia County Community College. I have been with UNM for 23 years and bring to the credit union Board a portfolio of experience including finance, business services, information technologies, human resources, auxiliary enterprises, facilities management, construction/project management, police, security, and marketing. I currently reside in Bosques Farms, NM with my wife, two children, dogs and geese. I enjoy old vehicle restoration, creative woodworking, fly fishing and boating. I thoroughly enjoy my role on the Board and serving our membership.
Patricia Roughgarden, FFCU Supervisory Committee member since 2022. I have been a volunteer on the Supervisory Committee for the last three and half years. During this time, I had the privilege of serving the members of First Financial Credit Union by working with the Internal Audit team; ensuring activities satisfies the supervisory committee audit and other regulatory requirements. Joining the Board of Directors allows me to contribute my leadership, operations, and engineering skills to help the credit union continue to grow while serving the membership and the community.
Jose Melendez, FFCU Board Associate since 2024. I have been a proud member of FFCU since 2004. I earned a BBA in Accounting from ENMU and hold an EA license. I am a Tax Manager at FWB Company in Clovis. For the past 9 months, I’ve been privileged to serve as an Associate Board member for FFCU. Community Services is a priority in my life serving as a Board Member for La Casa FHC, St. Helens Church, ENMU Foundation. I enjoy time with my wife, and we are thrilled to welcome our first child this summer. I look forward to continuing to support the credit union and its members.
Results of the election will be announced at the Annual Membership Meeting, which will be held on May 31, 2025. No nominations will be accepted from the floor at the Annual Membership Meeting.
First Financial Nominating Committee
Cassie Kelley, Cindy Frost, Paul Rael, and Jennifer Walters
Left to Right: Iva Nelson - Director | Jose Mendoza - Board Associate | Loretta Montoya - Board Chair | Mike Sandoval - Board Associate | Boyd Miller - Emeritus Director | Vince Esparza - Director | Rick Goshorn - Secretary/Treasurer | Cindy Frost - 1st Vice Chair | Stewart Logan - 2nd Vice Chair | Cassie Kelley - Ex-officio | Not pictured: Missy Wauneka -Director | Vanessa Ragsdale - Director

Loretta Montoya

Cassie Kelley

Cindy Frost
1st Vice Chair

Stewart Logan
Second Vice Chair

Rick Goshorn

Iva Nelson

Vincent Esparza

M. Vanessa Ragsdale

Melissa (Missy) Wauneka

Boyd Miller
Emeritus Director

Jose Mendoza

Michael Sandoval
Left to Right: Trish Roughgarden - Member | Debra Stone - Member | Christine Duncan - Chair

Christine Duncan
SC Chair

Trish Roughgarden

Debra Stone